Admin Cartography – Using Boxes, Arrows, and Pretty Colors for Better Org Documentation

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. What they forget to mention is that stakeholders won’t read a thousand words. In the Salesforce world, documenting your org is crucial for maintaining transparency, reducing risks, and promoting collaboration among stakeholders. Traditional text-based documentation can be overwhelming and hard to digest. This is where the power of visual communication comes in. With the power of boxes, arrows, and pretty colors; you can create a visually engaging and easily understandable documentation strategy for your Salesforce org. In this talk, we’ll explore different visual elements and design principles that can relay your ideas and design to your key design makers. We’ll show you how to enhance your org documentation through process maps, data flow diagrams, and UI mockups. We’ll also discuss best practices for creating consistent and accessible visual documentation that meets the needs of diverse users. Whether you’re an admin, developer, or business user, you’ll learn how to leverage the visual language of Salesforce to tell your org’s story in a more compelling way.

Admin Basics
Location: Great Lakes A Date: August 17, 2023 Time: 9:50 am - 10:30 am John Graf